Analisis Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Jodo Plaza Purworejo


  • Achmad Thafthazani STIE Rajawali
  • Wiyonoroto Wiyonoroto STIE Rajawali
  • Rusmiyatun Rusmiyatun STIE Rajawali


store exterior, general interior, store layout, interior display, purchase decisions


This study aims to determine whether partially general interior, store layout, and interior display  have a positive and significant effect on purchase decisions, and to simultaneously determine whether store  exterior, general interior, store layout, and interior display have a positive and significant effect on purchase  decisions. The research was conducted on consumers at Jodo Plaza Purworejo. The study was analyzed  using multiple linear regression analysis with t-tests and F-tests involving the variables store exterior (X1),  general interior (X2), store layout (X3), interior display (X4), and purchase decisions (Y). The calculation results yielded the regression equation Y = 2.466 + 0.784 X1 + 0.254 X2 + 0.354  X3 - 0.112 X4 + e. This means that if the values of store exterior, general interior, store layout, and interior  display variables on the research object are equal to zero, then the level or magnitude of the purchase  decision variable is 2.466. The testing of the first hypothesis (H1) resulted in a significance value (sig) of  0.00 (P<0.05) and a positive value of 8.660, meaning that partially, store exterior (X1) has a significant  effect on purchase decisions (Y) and is accepted. The second hypothesis (H2) yielded a sig value of 0.002  (p < 0.05) and a positive value of 3.192, meaning that partially, general interior (X2) has a significant  effect on purchase decisions (Y) and is accepted. The third hypothesis (H3) produced a sig value of 0.000  (p < 0.05) and a positive value of 4.763, meaning that partially, store layout (X3) has a significant effect  on purchase decisions (Y) and is accepted. The fourth hypothesis (H4) resulted in a value of 0.153, and the  t-test showed -1.441. With a sig value of 0.153 (p > 0.05) and a negative value of -1.441, it means that  partially, interior display (X4) has a significant effect on purchase decisions (Y) and is rejected. The ANOVA  test yielded an F-value of 102.521, with a positive significant value of 0.000 (p < 0.05), indicating that the  fifth hypothesis (H5) that store exterior, general interior, store layout, and interior display simultaneously  have a significant effect on purchase decisions (Y) and is accepted. 


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How to Cite

Achmad Thafthazani, Wiyonoroto Wiyonoroto, & Rusmiyatun Rusmiyatun. (2024). Analisis Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada Jodo Plaza Purworejo. Prospect : Jurnal Manajemen Dan Akuntansi, 23(3), 16–33. Retrieved from