
  • Eko Mardiyana 18.12.00032


Loyalty incentives, employee performance


This research aims to determine the effect of providing incentives on employee performance at PT Unggulrejo Wasono. Data collection techniques in this research were obtained by observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation and literature study. The data source uses a questionnaire. The population in this study was all employees of PT Unggulrejo Wasono in the production department, totaling 700 employees. This research uses a probability sampling technique, namely simple random sampling. The sampling technique in this research was 10% of the total population so that the sample was 70 people. The data analysis technique used is Likert scale analysis of simple correlation coefficient, simple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination and partial testing (t test). The result of the simple regression equation is Y = 4.518+0.814X, meaning the constant value is 4.518. This means that if the incentive variable is 0 (zero), then the level or magnitude of the employee performance variable is 4,518. A value of 0.814 means that if the value of the incentive variable increases by 1 unit and other variables are considered constant, employee performance will increase by 0.814. The results of the calculation of the coefficient of determination show that the R Square is 0.485. This means that the incentive variable contributes 48.55 to employee performance. The remaining 51.5% of employee performance is influenced by other variables such as motivation, work environment, leadership and competence. The results of the t test show that tcount is greater than ttable (7,998 > 1.667) and the significant level is (0.000 < 0.05), so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means that there is a positive and significant influence between providing incentives on employee performance at PT Unggulrejo Wasono. Based on the results of the research and analysis that has been carried out, the author provides suggestions, namely that companies should pay more attention to the amount of incentives provided, namely the rewards given to employees, so that the results of employee work in making products feel more appreciated and able to increase employee loyalty to the company. 


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How to Cite

Eko Mardiyana. (2021). PENGARUH PEMBERIAN INSENTIF TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADAPT UNGGULREJO WASONO. Prospect : Jurnal Manajemen Dan Akuntansi, 21(3), 163–174. Retrieved from