
  • Mujianto Mujianto Manajemen/ 18.12.00008


Management, Village Original Income, Banyuurip District


Village Original Income (PAD) is a source of income that comes from the income of village assets owned. In APBDes, PAD revenue is always planned in the year prior to the implementation of the budget as operational capital, except for the transfer budget from the government. The tools to perform analysis using Fishbone analysis (fishbone diagram) using the 5M+1E pattern, namely machine (machine), man (human), method (method), material (production material), measurement (measurement), and environment (environment) . . By using Fishbone analysis, problems are broken down according to the categories that occur in the process of managing Village Original Income. These factors are useful for grouping the types of root causes into a category. The research process by conducting interviews with resource persons. From the results of the interview, data processing was carried out on the management of village original income, the obstacles faced in managing village original income and the efforts made by the village government in overcoming the obstacles that occurred. The results of the PAD management research include planning for the H-1 year. The process includes asset security, asset maintenance, administration of village asset results and reporting of village asset management results as outlined in the Village Budget Realization Perdes. While the obstacles faced include human resources with different abilities, the methods used vary, materials in the form of chemical fertilizers are scarce, the distance between plants varies, and the environment still relies on irrigation and water difficulties occur in MT 2. Efforts have been made to carry out training in groups farming, the method is by sharing the results of levies in each area, seeds still use seeds in farm shops, building irrigation canals and collaborating with PPL Agriculture to control pests and diseases.


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How to Cite

Mujianto Mujianto. (2021). ANALISIS PENGELOLAAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DESA (PAD)DI KECAMATAN BANYUURIPTAHUN 2018-2020. Prospect : Jurnal Manajemen Dan Akuntansi, 21(3), 175–190. Retrieved from