
  • Rudy Setyawan Manajemen/18.12.00045


It is currently beginning to become more widely known how to prevent or lower the risk of fires. Apar is currently being explored for accreditation of public facilities such as schools or hospitals. Apar is already present in a number of public areas, including offices, schools, and places of business as a preventative or reduction measure. According to this CV, Mulia Proteksindo, an Apar distributor who also distributes refills, seizes this opportunity by word of mouth and by offering it through intermediaries to these locations. The reason for this is that without spending money on advertising, the marketing strategy is highly efficient and affordable. Additionally, this marketing strategy was chosen since CV. Mulia Proteksindo does not yet have a store to display items. MH, the owner and director of CV Mulia Proteksindo, and SM, a middleman employed by CV. MuliaProteksindo, were the resources used as interview sources in this study. Direct observation on the ground and informant interviews served as the methodology. According to the findings of the interviews, we are aware of a number of things, including the efficiency of word-of-mouth marketing methods, the impact of word-of-mouth marketing, and the role of intermediaries in Apar in CV. Mulia Proteksindo purchases. When consumers complain of harm, the role of an intermediary against the complaint then falls under the purview of CV. MuliaProteksindo. The mechanism of bonus income is another thing that we can learn from the outcomes of the interviews. 


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How to Cite

Rudy Setyawan. (2021). “ANALISISSTRATEGI PEMASARAN DARI MULUT KE MULUT DAN PERANTARA PENJUALAN APAR PADACV.MULIA PROTEKSINDO”. Prospect : Jurnal Manajemen Dan Akuntansi, 21(3), 226–246. Retrieved from https://journal.stiera.ac.id/index.php/PROSPECT/article/view/98